Race schedule:
Coaches Meeting - 12:30 or12:45 (ish)
Novice Girls - 1pm
Novice Boys
Minor Girls
Minor Boys
Cadet Girls
Cadet Boys
3rd Grade Boys and Girls
2nd Grade Boys and Girls
1st Grade Boys and Girls
Kindergarten Boys and Girls
Any athlete that has competed in the required number of meets (2) is eligible to run at the Championship meet.
Medals will be awarded to the top 15 finishers in each race at the END of the meet for Novice - Cadet, in the chute to Sub-Novices (girls and boys will be awarded medals separately). Athletes and coaches are reminded that their place card/ team scoring must be filled out and returned to the score keeper to receive their medal/credit towards team scoring. Please get your cards in timely so that the award ceremony can begin promptly at the end of the meet.
The shuttle from the Mann Music Center will be running. We encourage everyone to use the shuttle as an alternative to parking illegally, very far away, or worst of all, on the course! (it happens, trust me) Review my original post about the shuttle below, which I tweaked a bit to reflect the schedule this Sunday. Plan to get their early. Assume that races will start every 20 minutes. Then plan to be there much earlier than that.
2011 XC Championship t-shirts will be available for sale. ($15 or less). Please buy one for yourself and your kids. It helps defray the costs of running the meet and all the equipment that goes into it. Red Philadelphia CYO Cross Country shirts worn during the post-season are also for sale. ($8)
Coaches and parents are reminded that any and all team members, coaches, parents, relatives, well-wishers, etc are considered part of the parish/school team. If you are in a restricted area and do not leave when asked it will result in disqualification for yourself or team or both. Please do not stand on the course along the finish line. Everyone should be behind the cars parked on the access road that runs adjacent the finish line, or even better, standing behind the red rope fence. Please don't cross the red fence and attempt to come into the chute for any reason.
Q: Where do I park my car?
A:Mann Music Center - gravel parking lot, please do NOT PARK ON THE GRASS! (after all, they are letting us park there for free!)
Here is a link for Google Maps Directions, here is a satellite overview with some basic driving directions.
Q: When does the shuttle start running? When does it stop?A: 12pm - 5:00pm or whenever the last person leaves
As always, please take care to lock your cars and keep your valuables out of sight. There will be no attendants on site at the Mann parking site.Q: What's the estimated frequency?A: Approximately every 15 minsQ:Where does is this take me? Where can I get back on to get my car?A: Red trailer below baseball fields off Montgomery Ave.Q: If my kid is on the shuttle, will you hold the race for us?A: Absolutely not! Make sure you are leaving yourself a comfortable time cushion when coming down to the plateau, with enough time to park, get settled and warm up before you race.
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