Friday, May 30, 2008

Rain, rain go away

tomorrow's forecast is decidedly undecided as of this moment. However, we all know that the rain won't stop us! We WILL run in the rain (but break for lightning). We will have a lightning detector on hand and we are required to stop when it is in the area. Thankfully, since we are running at Penn there is plenty of covered areas. We will try and stick to the time schedule unless the downpour is too dangerous or conditions do not permit.

A reminder that everyone is allowed to wear 1/4" spikes at champs.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Coaches Meeting

I didn't put it on the schedule below, but a reminder that the coaches meeting will be at 9:00 am on Saturday on the infield. During the meeting we will review the assignments and meet procedures and answer any questions that coaches might have.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Here is the ranked list of competitors for Champs next weekend. Entry times are based on times at the Area meets, so I would advise everyone to remember that teams from Area C & E ran in much worse weather than Area A and D. Don't be surprised if they drop drastically.


1/4" spikes will be allowed.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cross Country Winners

We're trying to get the booklet together to go to the printer, but we are missing information on the team scores from Cross Country. We have all the individual winners, but we don't have the overall team champions or the winners from each age group. If you have this information, I would greatly appreciate it if you could email me. Thanks

Time Schedule

Here is the time schedule, same as last year, for Archdiocesan Champs.

Race Schedule

Coaches, Athletes, and Parents are reminded to review the track packet for event conflict rules.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Area Meet Results

I'll post any Area Meet results that are sent in here. Depending on what day you ran, it might have been a rough one to be out there, but thankfully we got all the races in. (except for Area C, who needs to finish HJ). More information on Arch champs will follow.

Area A

Area C

Area D

Area E